Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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should be a notion contrary to my hear, but reading the presentation of this book I enjoyed a lot, with the necessary distinctions, "smignottare" I have played in nice way, like: "wants a cup of coffee, tea, ... me?" do not cheat others to do the upstart ... op hy do not have other arguments.

But is it true that men are having fun in front of the smignottamento?
I have always felt ashamed and I do a lot just for fun ... But ....

Here are some pearls of wisdom:

Smignottare is ethical, legitimate, even obligatory. This, in brief, thought the author of the Handbook of Youth Mignotte (MGM, from now on, aliberticastelvecchi publisher), Debora Ferretti.

Smignottare is just, moral, liberating, dutiful, intelligent, is the antidote to regret, funny, gorgeous. This book is a guide (so is presented) for those who do not yet know that they are "sitting on a fortune," as the subtitle

And then something fundamental image: to be a whore does not mean necessarily appear so. The woman already tanned superaccessoriata in January is not necessarily the most available of Ms. very bon ton.


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