Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wet Indicator On Lg Dare

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Shower Enclosure Unit For Sale In Nj


If anyone has any photos or video related to the ramp or at the Villa Dani wants to publish them on this blog can send you the zipped to rampavilla@infinito.it . (Not more than 8 photos by e-mail)
The Motime of this post is simple:
Continue to communicate with someone special, still alive in our hearts and let everyone know who he really was. The specialty of Villa
ramp it was not the cocktail pizzas or else .. he was .. DANI

Put Compatible Hp56 In F4180

photos and video diary of adventures

Everyone is free to write freely (ERRORS INCLUDING SPELLING) and tell a moment of daily life not related to the blog.
E 'was created on purpose, so everyone who wants to be free to write to make it as easy. Not all
write properly, this space was made for everyone.
Dani, listen to everyone and everyone knew him parlavono FREE. People
so if they are rarely around ..
He knew how to listen ..

Monday, May 26, 2008

Is The Steak And Cheese At Subway 5

Tears in Heaven ...

Dedicated to you ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

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Milan: Goodbye bike sharing

released on Metro on 13/05/2008

Ban pre-qualification to handle the bike sharing Milan had participated in three companies: IGP Decaux, part of the JCDecaux group that signed the Paris Velib, Clear Channel, which runs the bike-sharing in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band Cenusa, a growing business is already active in Pamplona. The invitation itself, promoted by ATM, according to sources Metro went desert. Atm neither confirmed nor denied. "That is the first project of Milan in Italy where those who won the contract to manage the whole service - said Sergio Verrecchia, project manager of Clear Channel, which is about to participate in calls for Madrid and London and has just won Washington - The compensation was inadequate, too few advertising space offered to cover operating costs. " Ditto for IGP Decaux, which state: "If the contract is modified and reintroduced him to value." Like in Clear Channel.

The City, it is also reported to Metro, will try to get out of Ford reviving a kind of contract directly with the companies who participated in the prequalification. Objective: to close by May, to open at least a few velostazione by August. Even the mayor Moratti should meet in these days the leaders of Atm. "The time needed to set up the service - warn Verrecchia - they are 3 months, but normally it takes 5 to get all the permits and implement the system." So the bike sharing plan expected by spring and sent "before the summer" would be closer to bloom in autumn. If all goes well.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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POLLUTION boosted risk of thrombosis

exhaust from cars and other vehicles, industrial fumes, pollution of our cities poses a serious risk to the proper functioning of our blood vessels, increasing by almost 70% for each increase of 10 micrograms of particulates per square meter, the chances of having blood clots in the vessels legs. Archives of Internal Medicine reported on the discovery of Italian Andrea Baccarelli of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, which conducted the study on an Italian sample of individuals living in Lombardy.

now there are numerous scientific studies showing the dangers of air pollution on our health, some have indicated a link between heart attack and stroke risk and pollution. There remains further doubt the way particulates and other pollutants giving to this danger. This study may indicate one of the biological mechanisms by which fine particles, the particles which we are exposed, especially in large urban centers, increase the risk of heart.

The experts checked the levels of exposure to particulate matter of a group of 870 patients had been diagnosed Lombard thrombosis between 1995 and 2005. Then the researchers considered and 1210 healthy individuals living in different parts of Maharashtra and measured their levels of exposure to particulate matter in areas of residence. The researchers found a clear association between high levels of exposure to particulate matter and risk of thrombosis and have estimated that this risk increases of 70% for every increase of 10 micrograms of particulates per square meter. "Given the size of these effects and the explosion of particulate pollution - have concluded the authors of the work - our findings introduce a new and common risk factor for the pathogenesis of thrombosis and, at the same time, reinforce the urgency of adequate standards to reduce the impact of urban pollution on health. "

ANSA 13/05/2008 07:51

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Metro, smog alert. "Milan worse than Paris'

The city Poisons

Research shock: in the dust outlaw cars. Atm: via the anti-pollution plan

L 'allergist Invernizzi: "Risks for children, patients with cardiac and respiratory diseases." *** A Question of the PD data every two minutes. The values \u200b\u200bof PM10 and PM2.5, fine particles and thin. Smog in real time. Outdoor, outside the station. Indoor, on the docks. Carriages And in the subway car. Milan compared to Rome, Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bStockholm and San Francisco. Result: "Only in Milan can breath worse on the trains on the docks." That is, the trip on the three routes, it is also worse than the 'hold. A unique case. Abnormally. "Of course, it could also be a coincidence, is something that should be corroborated with observations of long-term," state the researchers. But the 'indication is: "In all the platforms and trains there are high concentrations of fine particles, than the values \u200b\u200bat the surface, "says Giovanni Invernizzi, allergist and head of the Laboratory for Environmental Research of the Society of General Medicine (SIMG). Even 100 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 and PM10 500. The threshold d 'alarm is set at 25 and 50. Above it hurts. We are ten times over. The data is contained in research on quality of 'air platforms and subway car in six major cities. " It was built by Simge in collaboration with the 'University of Bordeaux el' Inserm (the French CERN), and will be presented at the conference Isee-Isea in Pasadena, California, in October. The concentrations were measured with calibrated portable units. In each city, half an 'hour of analysis in the street, just as in the mezzanine and coaches. Take the PM10 in Milan: 163 micrograms out, 257 and 326 trains on the platform. Elsewhere, the platforms are the most polluted of the convoys. In Milan, no. In the worst cars of Rome VA (328), but still breathes better than on the platform (388). Métro de Paris from San Francisco to the lower levels are everywhere. It is only an abstract of the research, which must 'be completed yet. But it is enough to draw the first conclusions. First smog "much higher" in the stations in that area. Then, "noted improvements in the quality of 'air' in trains in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bStockholm and San Francisco. And finally, 'The exposure of thousands of users' everyday' to the high levels of dust "in the metro of" major European cities. " Milan head. Invernizzi says that "the concern is for the 'short-term exposure." Just a few hours' immersion, a terminal to 'other' because the heart problems have adverse effects and the patients with cardiac and respiratory diseases. " To say nothing of children. And that the 'emergency coach is exemplified by the analysis of the traits found in line 2, by Cimiano Gessate: "The levels of PM2.5 and Pm.10 are balanced with the' outside '. The smog descends the stairs. S 'infiltration into the pipes. S 'paste the tunnel. Accumulates in stations. They have demonstrated a trip to the Courier, and recently, a service of the Hyenas. The Democratic Party has submitted a 'question to the county council to "understand the reasons for this disastrous situation" and rely on' just 's installation of air purification filters of' air '. The response of Atm is: "Let us make periodic measurements and trains are cleaned regularly." That said, produce an anti-pollution. Nine units of dust control in as many stations and data published on the Web site and again air-conditioning systems on all trains by 2009 (the revamping project) and new fans on the docks. How about Invernizzi? "Meritorious initiatives. Of course, it would be important to entrust monitoring to an outside body CA. Just to dispel any doubt. The plan Atm *** stations in 9 units for measuring fine particles and air conditioning on all trains by 2009 *** "In the subway five hundred micrograms per cubic meter of PM10. Ten times more than the threshold d 'alarm' *** 's warning of researchers The study concluded:' Worries' s exposure of thousands of users every day to high levels of dust in the metro of major European cities. " Milan head *** The mobile researchers of the Italian Society of General Medicine have measured up to 100 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 and PM10 in Metro 500. The threshold d 'alarm is set 25 and 50 * * * The board of dust levels in the stations of the Society of Medical Data Research study of physicians 'quality of' air platforms and subway car in six major cities "was developed by the Italian Society of general medicine in collaboration with the 'epidemiologist Annie Sasco of' University of Bordeaux 2 and the center of Inserm. Will be presented to Congress Isee-Isea in Pasadena, Calif., Oct. 12 The findings on the underground The researchers measured levels of PM10 and PM2.5 in the street, on the platforms waiting for trains and subway trains in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMilan , Rome, Paris, Stockholm and San Francisco The levels of PM10 for each city shows the micrograms of soot per cubic meter of 'air measured outside the station, on the platform and trains. Barcelona: 300, 490 and 229, Milan 163, 257 and 326, Rome: 101, 388 and 328, Paris: 42, 164 and 153, Stockholm: 27, 151 and 39, San Francisco: 64, 136 and 50 The Trip in the city on 25 September 2006, the Courier had measured the quality of 'air to the minute with a portable unit (on the side, the results of PM10). Between Loreto and Conciliation dust touched the 500 microgram (ten times more than the threshold)

(May 12, 2008) - Corriere della Sera

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What Shoes Go With Peg