The slalom between the holes and sand
Republic - March 14, 2010
The motorcycle enduro Michele, who has scarrozzato on the sands of Senegal, in Via del Torchio is forced to slow down. L 'crumbling asphalt, gravel is too big a risk for knobbly tires that have experienced the desert. And Michael, a veteran rider, I learned the hard way. "When you create the gravel on the road if you fall brakes - Michele says, recalling old bruises and bruises - there 's not much to do." And the gravel bars are full of Via Torino. The hole opened in the 'asphalt are old, patched to the beautiful' is better at different times, with successive flows of cold asphalt. L 'visual effect is depressing: five overlapping or six pieces of different colors of gray, added over time, with the chill of the past months have gone to pieces. "In winter it is really impossible to repair the roads - repeats the 'City Councillor for Public Works Bruno Simili, however biker - this' year we plan significant investment but the structural work of resurfacing can be done only in summer, the heat" . True. Meanwhile, however, the pieces do not stand up. A few days after the intervention of the buffer of the City emergency crews, the holes back in the sunlight. It happens on a Argelati as Via Larga, to the extreme periphery: for cyclists and motorcyclists in Milan streets are an obstacle course. At the Fourth Oggiaro condition of the coat is painful to the point that the councilor Raffaele Grassi (professional driver) in recent days has tabled two questions to determine whether the City "finally intends to seek some solution to the instability of the bottom of the respiratory Buzzati, Marelli and Ungaretti." They are all roads gruyere, and not just recently: the first request, identical, Grassi 's did in July 2006 and since then nothing has changed. C 'is the hole in the house who has learned to live as residents of Via Donizetti. For some time, as explained by a cyclist discouraged with the baby in the seat, the people present at the 'evolution of a crater more tenacious of the city, open to' cross with Corso Monforte. 'The last year was just a hole - the woman says - in the summer was filled with asphalt that has since crumbled, and now has become a kind of puddle full of gravel. He was so well two years ago, before it opened at all. " He expects the next metamorphosis of the hole, until someone decides not to lay asphalt can hold. Ongoing Gotthard all 'height of' cross via Conchetta, to separate the 'asphalt from the rails of the tram is a lemon-shaped hole fifty centimeters long. A little further on, in Meda, the rail board buchea are dozens, and create a 'unique area full of warts and hollows. To see them from far away make the 'liquid asphalt like a blob. In the square Belfanti the door of the city for those arriving by car from Genoa - the most glaring hole has an 'unusual elongated shape, as if cut by a razor, and extends meters. In Via Larga, Velasca under the tower, the 'asphalt is a kind of collage pieces of cutlery at different times, separated by deep cracks. The crosswalks were designed over the patchwork of different bitumen, with a grotesque visual effect. On the Internet there is an interactive map, updated by motorcyclists hannoa heart health and that of others, which shows the distribution of the holes in the most dangerous city. The blue flags indicating the danger are dozens, and everywhere: Florence Square, Coriolanus Square, via Varese. 'The impression is that each year the situation worse - says Andrea Trentini, inventor and founder of the website 'Association Motocivismo you can not take it every time with snow and rain, the' only real explanation is the poor quality of 'tarmac'. Whether the problem is structural supports also the 'opposition in City Council: "We have finally decided to tender that reflect the quality of work-says Maurizio Baruffi, adviser to the Democratic Party - you can not give contracts to companies that spend less pose lowest quality asphalt. " But it's not just the 'asphalt to suffer: snow and water run off in the middle of the paved and distort the geometry. It is, in Torino are the blocks of the pavement always out of phase, and their lack of discipline seems resisterea any attempt to align, in Amadeo and Fra Angelico to disrupt the way was paved for the passage of trucks transported the months of construction land for the construction of the underground parking of Piazza Novelli square and Bernini. 'The administration - Baruffi attacks - must understand that until you pass the street hundreds of thousands of trucks every month, the fund will be routinely hacked to pieces. "